Ukranian Charities

Client Corner

As most of you know, I am a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer (RPCV) and I am still connected to the RPCV community here in DC. Many of my clients are also RPCV’s so the invasion on Ukraine is personal. There are so many ways to help and I reached out to some past clients who were RPCV’s in Ukraine to provide a few recommended charities.

Thank you Sasha Shimazu, Becky Bosshart & Sheila Crowley for these recommendations:

Free Ukraine (aggregate info by cause)

Sunflower of Peace

Friends of Ukraine RI

Migrant Offshore Aid Station

United Help Ukraine

Razom for Ukraine

The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington Ukraine Fund

Please consider supporting any of these great causes or others that you find worthwhile. The situation is an ongoing heartbreaking tragedy.

If you are doing something fabulous that you would like to appear in this section in future issues, please send me the details!

Thanks for reading! I would love your feedback on anything you would like to know more about and definitely your passion projects or anything cool or edgy you have going on that I may highlight. I hope everyone has a great month and remember the universe has your back!


