New Dog Alert!


Please help me welcome my new assistant, MAXWELL! He is maybe 5 years old, comes from the south (Georgia), gets along with the cats, and loves to cuddle. His ears have been described as sassy. I am in the process of getting his DNA tested but I don’t have the results yet. I think he is partial poodle or at least that was the key word search.

Maxwell may accompany me on some appointments so be on the lookout. Perhaps you thought I was only a cat person and I do skew that way, but I work for them not vice versa. 

Good to Know...

Where to discard certain trash – rubbish – garbage – obsolete stuff?

You may or may not know this but not all garbage should or can go in the household trash or recycling. I am always trying to find the proper places to discard unwanted / broken / obsolete / or worn out items. Here are some easy places that will properly dispose of these items.

Please share with me other suggestions you may have.